TIP 1 "Sometimes, if I have a study guide, I'll tape it to the front of my Trapper Keeper, so if I have any extra time, I can glance at it." Jeny
TIP 2 "For girls, when you study, have a scent in the room, preferably a perfume or something. Then when you take the test, wear that perfume. It can help you remember what you study because you relate the scent to the information. Of course you have to use a scent that you wouldn't normally smell." Clarise
TIP 3 "Listen to soothing, but invigorating music. I usually listen to Beethoven while I do mindless homework like math, French, or science assignments. It gets your brain pumping and flowing, and keeps you alert and awake." Jason
TIP 4 "While studying, keep peppermint in your mouth... it clears your nasal passage for fresh air. More fresh air means more oxygen to the brain. Trust me, this really helps with memorizing and studying for school." Dennis
TIP 5 "When having a test or quiz on your notes (which happens quite frequently), take your notebook to your computer, and type all of your notes pertaining to that chapter in that particular section of your notebook. By typing the notes you need to know for your test, a lot of the information is displayed from your short-term memory to your long-term memory. After typing your notes out, look them over and study in-depth... This always helps." Dennis
TIP 6 "Definitely listen in class, you won't have to study so hard if you actually know some of the information beforehand (from class)." Dennis
TIP 7 "Be careful about wearing too much perfume or sitting near someone who does. The chemicals in some perfumes may affect your power to concentrate and remember information." Shay
TIP 8 "Depending on the type of class, taking notes on a PowerBook computer has helped me immensely.
•It makes my notes readable & printable.
•My notes are saved in a retrievable place for the class and to use as citations for papers in other classes-(make sure you date your notes for this purpose).
•Professors and other students think you are smarter and more attuned to learning, just because you have a PowerBook in front of you, and will pay more attention to your questions. Other students will want to share their notes because they can read yours.
•The process of recording lecture notes onto a word processing document makes you consciously categorize topics as you type. Example: putting terms in bold type, putting concepts in italic, putting key ideas in underlined form, and preceding subtopics with a bullet •. This process organizes the ideas in your mind as you are doing it. The PowerBook is not helpful in Math classes, nor is it helpful in classes involving a lot of discussion." Keith
TIP 9 "Read over the notes a couple of times and then summarize it in your own words. Writing it down might help store it into the long-term memory." Veronica
TIP 10
"I'm recently starting year 12, I'm trying to get organized, I found your Tips very helpful. Though there are many other useful techniques, one of the best is teaching others what you have learned. I found when I helped others with questions I would gain a better knowledge of what I learned. I have also learned from my experience from year 11, that just studying a couple days before is not really studying but cramming. Therefore to gain better marks you have to study months before. Using flow charts, making notes simples, that's what summaries are supposed to be. My friend also gave me a study hint, though yet to be proven, she said the color yellow helps you remember things better, she always uses yellow paper for studying." Anna
TIP 11
"I have a TIP for you. Students should try to study as much as they can during daytime hours. When I study, I usually try to study during daytime, From my personal experience, study during the day time is much better than study during night time. I remember things better during daytime and I tend to not to slack off as much during daytime. Sometimes, there are less distraction for me during the daytime and I found myself more awake, even if I feel sleepy, take a 20~30 minute nap to recharge your energy. You should only study everything at night only if it's absolutely necessary, (i.e., due to work, after school activities,...etc.) besides, study as much as possible would usually reduce yourself from getting stress out at night time. Best of all, it would prevent you from staying up all night!" Paul
TIP 12 "I am currently half way through my year 12, but I have talked to many students who have finished year twelve as well as teachers for study hints. The things that I have already put into practice, and have gotten very good results from is to write out my own study guide from the syllabus (this makes you understand the concepts you are summarizing, as well as putting the information into your long-term memory.) I have also found doing as many past papers with a time restriction extremely helpful, as many exams have similar types of questions to previous years, and after doing the questions a few times, you get so used to them, that the hard questions seem basic, because you are used to the style of question." Kristina from Australia
TIP 13 "I have found through personal experience that by separating all of my different classes from one another by using different notebooks for each (different colors works good for me), I am not only more organized but more likely not to wander away from that subject when studying. A friend told me it's my subconscious. That I associate the notebook with that class and it helps me to concentrate on it alone. No matter what the reason is, it helped me boost my grades tremendously and learn a whole lot more then I had been before." Meranda
TIP 14 "Keycards are great study aids. You summarize your notes for the subject by each topic then you summarize the summary so that you have the key ideas and points for each topic. These you write down on cards under each topic heading. Put them in a small ringbinder and carry them with you. Then you can flip through them while waiting in a queue or waiting at your desk for a class to start. These quick flip-throughs of all the major points keep facts alive in your memory ready for recall in the exam." Jackie
TIP 15 "This is especially for my geography class because there is a lot of writing involved!
I've found that writing notes in shorthand (e.g. people=ppl) and going home that night while it is still fresh in the memory and typing it out longhand on the computer helps to memorize or keep the info in the brain because for people that constantly look up at the screen are rereading what they have typed. I don't know if this is a good study method but it works for me!" Diane
TIP 16 "Always have plenty of lined paper around. Lines help you to write your notes properly and neatly. I know it - it helps me!" Valerie, a student from Singapore.
TIP 17
"A good study TIP that I have found works quite well is to read the material to be covered in a lecture beforehand, and as you are reading create an outline, leaving plenty of space. Take this outline to the lecture and add to it new information the teacher gives, highlight on it things that you already have listed that are things she stresses as important. I type my outlines and type in blank lines using the underscore key so that they are easier to add to and because it being typed makes it easier to tell the difference between the information that came from the textbook and the information that came from the teacher. I also list questions that I have at the bottom of my outline, with lines to write the answers on. If the teacher gives the answer during the lecture then I write it in the space I have provided, the questions that she does not answer I ask for answers to." Roxanne
TIP 18 Hello,
"I'm a college student. The Cornell note taking system works best for me. It is easier to understand the notes on the Cornell paper. The web site about the Cornell System is http://www.sanborn.k12.nh.us." Alexis (another link to the Cornell System for note taking)
TIP 19 "Don't play sport or tire yourself before doing anything that requires thinking, memory etc. such as a test, or study period. Make sure you are fully rested and relaxed. I made the mistake, and took me three exams to figure it out." Fubu
TIP 20
"The HSC is very stressing as everyone keeps on reminding you. While you are in year 12 many people will be telling you what you should and should not be doing. The important thing is to get YOUR OWN priorities straight. We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have already done. Only you know what you are capable of, so make sure your goals are set accordingly, and not to what others believe." John T., scholar and entrepreneur.
TIP 21
"This isn't an effective way to study but a method that my dad taught me, and it may be of use to you. You may already know it. Anyway, on the first day, you study what you learned in class. Then you read and study about 2 pages of your text book ahead, but just briefly, so you have the preview of what it is about. The next day in class, the teacher will teach the method, and you already know the basis of it, so it all clicks and maybe you learn a little more. When you get home, you don't really need to study that much. I don't know if you can get it by the way I'm explaining it. You sort of learned it the night before, and study during the actual lesson, so you're always a step ahead. Do you get it? I hope you understand what I've written. Have a good day." Adriana.
TIP 22
"Taking notes on whatever I'm studying and going over them really helps me out when studying. The task of taking notes and writing down the material is what helps me, and reviewing those notes adds to the repetition that's going on, which helps even more. Also, before studying try to get or already have enough sleep, because sleepiness can really get you out of studying; it always does for me." Evan Agustin
TIP 23 "When summarizing a chapter of a subject, I type the information out in question format (e.g. instead of simply typing "alveoli are thin in shape which results in fast diffusion of substances..." I type "Discuss the structure of alveoli. How does their structure aid them in their primary role?"), then I type in the answer and, when the chapter summary is completed, print a copy. A family member or friend then asks me the questions and I give the answer. That way I'm not just making a summary once, but completing the equivalent whenever I can nag anyone into helping me. It also prepares me for exams in which they generally expect to you use your knowledge and apply it to answer questions." Alexis, Australia
TIP 24 "An approach to reading that works best for me is both annotating and the Cornell Method. In annotating I can mark and highlight important information, key ideas, unknown words, and interesting facts while reading. Using the Cornell Method, I can then organize the marked text into a better, arranged, understandable form. These methods both save me time and keep me actively involved." C.R. S.J. CA
TIP 25
"My TIP is to increase vocabulary so concentration is not interrupted while studying, or reading. Words that are difficult to understand will become more friendly if I practice using them." Linda
TIP 26 "Taking notes during class is very important, and reviewing them when you get home...and it is not just the way you study but it is in the attitude you display...as long as you're a determined and a hard working student, getting good grades wouldn't be difficult for you at all." Lea
TIP 27 "A very helpful studying TIP is to rewrite your notes the same day you wrote them, if its possible right after class. If you do not rewrite them right away, maybe in the future you will not understand what you wrote. Writing your notes a second time is also a way to understand the class lecture better. I have been using this TIP for a long time, and it has helped me to memorize information and organize my work." Angelina
TIP 28
"For my personal TIP, I would suggest that students like me would make our own notes for every class discussion. Because if we only rely on our book, there could be some points that are hard to understand. Moreover, if we only listen to our professors, there is always a tendency to forget, knowing that we have lots of things in our mind, and that we can't remember every single detail which could be very important. One more thing, if ever we borrow our classmates' notes, for example if we missed a class, we are not sure that their notes are complete or that their notes are all correct. It is possible for them to miss out important details or misunderstood some explanations. Hence, we should attend classes regularly because it's going to be our loss to miss a class and not others." Diana
TIP 29 "My studying method that works for me is to review my notes everyday and reread the topic chapter to refresh my memory. Doing this everyday helped me prepared for my test by not cramming the night before exam." Loreto
TIP 30 "My own personal study tip would be to listen to easy music but on a lower volume. This has helped me study better because I’m not distracted by the words in a song and I don’t like studying in a extremely quiet place so the music helps both problems. Sometimes when I keep feeling tired while studying, I would chew gum or have a light snack with me (such as crackers) so I’m always chewing on something. It always makes me feel more awake and I can study better." Cheryl
TIP 31 "Before I started to do my study, I make sure that I am not sleepy, hungry, thirsty, and don't need to use the bathroom. If I feel all those necessities before I study, I take care of it first. This way, there will be no unnecessary interruption while I'm doing my work." Edita
TIP 32 "My own study TIP that has always worked for me is to lock my self in the room and focus. With the only sound of me reading and no one bothering me, I can understand the reading a lot better. If I start thinking about something else I get up and eat something then I'll come back to it." Ricardo
TIP 33 My study TIP is simple. I follow the survey technique in which I scan through the chapters first, then read and summarize. I usually find a place where it is quiet (like the library, backyard or any corners of my house) and comfortable. I also make sure that I put-up a sign that reads "OUT TO LUNCH, COME BACK LATER!" Rose
TIP 34 "A strategy that I employ for studying is to try refer to my course materials whenever I find my mind going over concepts taught in my courses. I always have my class materials available so that I can pull them out in the event that I find myself thinking of them. I believe that my mind keeps working on things even when I am not consciously thinking about them. Whenever I open my class materials when I find my mind drifting onto the topic, I find that the concepts that were difficult for me previously are now very easy to understand. I'll then go on and do some of the assignments for practice so I don't forget. It's sub-conscious studying!" Paul
TIP 35 "The study TIP I would like to recommend is to deal with anything that is getting in the way of your success. Say for example, you're trying to study but you keep thinking of something else. Then do what you have to do to deal with it and then get to studying with a cleared mind." Claudia
TIP 36 I take three simple steps in order to succeed in studying.
1. Play some relaxing music (whatever music you enjoy listening to) before studying to clear my mind of everything.
2. Concentrate on what I'm studying when I begin to study, and do that throughout the process of studying.
3. Review it over orally to see if I actually remember what I studied, to see if I'm ready for that particular test.
Also, if the test is on Wednesday morning, I would study the night before, a few hours before I sleep. Since it would be fresh in my mind. Then an hour before the test, I will study for a second time just to make sure I'm completely ready. I've been doing this type of studying all my life, and it hasn't failed me. If this helps you, more power to you. If not, well hey everyone has their own methods of studying. Whatever works for you. Jeffrey
TIP 37 Before studying, I advise other students to eat a light snack, nothing heavy or else you'll be falling asleep from being too full. Also, it's very important to get rid of internal distractions (something that is bugging your head, i.e. making a phone call, chores, picking up a few things at the store)...do those things right away so that you'll be concentrating on your studies. Angelita
TIP 38 My own personal study TIP that really helps me out mostly is I find a quiet place most likely in my room, lock the door so there would be no distractions and start playing soft relaxing music such as Kenny G. or slow jams. I know for a majority of people music is the biggest distraction, but I am totally opposite. Music helps me relax and concentrate. No name given.
TIP 39
Before studying it is always helpful to me if I write at least a full page about whatever comes to mind. I write about my day, things that are bothering me, things that inspire me, what I love/hate, etc. It's basically a journal entry to release any thoughts that I need to get off my shoulders before studying, so that when I do study those thoughts don't cloud my mind while I try to learn something new. It's very helpful after a stressful day. After I've written down what I have to say, I tear it up, throw it away, and study with a clear mind. Kristen
TIP 40 Part of good study habit is making a schedule, which will help you organize your time and your thoughts. Having a schedule indicates your personal obligations, setting priorities, and especially it will help you for studying. It is organization that helps with your thoughts be more active for any studies you have to do. So remember write your obligations on your schedule. No name given
TIP 41 My study TIP is to make your own questions while reading and with those same questions test yourself, with this you will find out how well you are doing or if you are ready for the test. No name given.
TIP 42
My own personal TIP is to go into your room lock yourself in there and turn on a little music and start studying. A little music won't hurt. Actually it makes me focus more on what I'm actually studying. I don't know why but it works for me. Most people would get distracted but I recommend that. You should try it sometime. Linda
TIP 43 I would like to inform students that time management is one of the key to succeeding in College. Most important is the technique of the way to study efficiently and productively. In my case, The Cornell system-note taking has helped a lot in the past as well in the future. The Cornell notes consist of three steps. During high school I still remember the way it works. Step 1) Preparing the paper; left column is the questions and right column will be answers just like regular note taking except the system works better than other techniques. 2) During the lecture--record the notes in paragraph form. Make sure to get the general ideas and abbreviating can save you time. 3) After the lecture, reread notes and jot down the main ideas or key words. This way you can be organized to when it comes to reviewing your notes when exams come. Marc.
TIP 44
“I understand and remember more when I listen to someone else so for me it is easier to work or study with a “study buddy” Virginia
TIP 45 Study TIP: I know people say 'listen to a little music while studying, is 'good', but this is not good for muso's and anyone who has a fast ear to a tune - we get distracted, even if we don't realize that it is happening... For years I listened to music while studying, and my results have improved out of sight since I 'turned my stereo off' as such. It's hard to give up the music at first, but it gets easier, and it is worth it. Alison
TIP 46
My study TIP is that when you are studying and maybe your mind starts to wander try to look away from your paper, textbook or whatever it is you are studying, and look somewhere blank like the walls or floor and go cross-eyed - this help to cross your left and right brain over! It's also helps a lot in tests, try it! Kate
TIP 47 Drink plenty of water, it keeps the brain hydrated. A hydrated brain can remember more than a dehydrated brain.
Of course do not go silly or else you will be spending all your time in the toilet! Daryl
TIP 48
This is a study TIP for you to help remember important quotes.
Record the quote on your mobile phone or on a tape and whenever you have spare time you can listen to it as often as you can. Soon you will be able to perfectly recite the lines. If it sounds too boring you can always sing it and listen to it as a song. It might sound daggy but trust me it helps! Michelle K
TIP 49 I am an Indian student and I am in the tenth standard now. My TIP is "When you sit down to study never think about anything else other than your book. Leave the world outside and come into your book." Jassi
TIP 50
My study TIP is that you should write brief notes or keywords onto squares of colored paper, and then look at them regularly. Having the answers on the back helps you to learn the answers as well. Use different colored vivids and bright highlighters to make it interesting. Try it! It totally works! Bruce
TIP 51 When you're doing math homework, and not getting the right answer for a problem. Or when you're doing a math problem on a test and not getting a right answer, take out a blank sheet of paper (preferably with no lines) and solve the math problem in as many steps as possible. Make your handwriting big, so one problem covers the whole sheet of paper. when you write it really big like this, you will be able to see where you were making the mistake, or will make fewer mistakes. It has worked for me many times while doing homework. Mehreen
TIP 52
When I study I like to recreate my notes. Colors and shapes help me to remember. Circling things or highlighting works great. I associate the color or shape with the information and I tend to remember it better (and longer). Danielle
TIP 53 Try to study in the morning because at that time, your mind is fresh and you can do more study than you can do it during night. I works for me. Harinder
TIP 54
Read – How to Read text Effectively
This method of absorbing material in three passes is useful for many students. It is a way of tackling each section of the text in a specific and analytical way, with ways to test knowledge and assist a student in retaining new knowledge.
The First Pass: “Skim” the text
Have your notebook, highlighter, pen and pencil handy for notes. It is probably best to have a separate notebook for each subject.
First, skim over the text you plan to read in this study session. As you skim the text, write down, in your notebook, the main headings or subheadings of each section. Leave about a half page of blank space under each note you make. Headings and subheadings, or other important text, is often made noticeable through use of bold, underlined or italicized text. Try to notice the main ideas in this first pass through the text.
Second Pass: Focused Reading
This time, read more intently. Go back to the start of the text. As you read the text under each heading or subheading, make notes of the main ideas. Try to list the main idea at the top, then list the more detailed points in the text that support the main idea. Bullet lists of these supporting points will usually work well.
Don’t forget to pay attention to pictures, bar graphs, tables or other illustrative methods used to support the author’s point(s).
Third Pass: Testing your reading
On a separate piece of paper, make a list of the questions at the end of each section which the textbook authors have written for you to test your knowledge. Go back to the start of each section, and just read through each section, one at a time. See if you are now able to answer the questions for each section after you read it all the way through. Don’t try to do this with more than one section at a time, especially with very difficult text.
If the text does not provide you with questions, you can formulate your own using the wording in the headings and subheadings. You can see if you are able to define what each heading is talking about after you have completed your third pass.
Explaining what you have learned to someone else helps you remember it.
One good way to review is to use flashcards. You can create your own to act as a study guide on simple, ruled index cards. You already have the perfect set of information to use on flash cards from your notes from the text. Your bulleted lists and your main headings can be used to create questions or “fill-in-the-blank” notes or definitions of relevant vocabulary terms, with the answers written on one side and the question on the other. You can also use the questions in the textbook as flashcards, with the answers written on the back. Michelle, Australia
TIP 55
I'm the sort of student who gets easily distracted and it's a nasty habit. When that happens, I remember that what I'm doing is for my own sake. Motivate yourself. If your mind wanders constantly, just set a short time limit, like half an hour - then take a ten minute break (walk around your garden or something, relaxing in the living room is a bad idea since there's the television and everything) and get back to studying. It's better than feeling bored through one hour and not absorbing any material at all. It works for me. See if it works for you. Kuki
TIP 56
At night, I place something I normally wouldn't in the middle of my floor, and while I'm doing that, I think to myself that the reason I put that down is to remember to do my school work in the next morning or day. The next day I see it and remember why I put it there. (This reason can also be to help you remember to do something else the next day). Riley
TIP 57
I am a long time studier. I am a PC Analyst for a very Large Corporation and am climbing my way up the "corporate ladder". I came upon this web site while I was researching for, "How many hours should one study?" I found all of these tips to be very helpful and some what true. I know that everyone doesn't study the same and what's best for one might not be good for another. I find that mixing and applying various types of formulas helps me. Example: first, I Read the chapter. As I read the chapter, I highlight important words, sentences, or paragraphs that refer to my study. Then I re-read the page, step-by-step (in case I miss anything the first time) and write down in a notebook, the important parts I need (usually the highlighted area). Then, when I am done with the chapter, I grab a stack of index cards and start writing questions and the answers (on the back) that pertain to that question. It may sound like a long vigorous study technique but believe me, it works. This lets me know that I have read, re-read, extracted important information, questioned certain parts (Googled) that I don't understand, and finally reviewed the questions on index. And for motivation, I listen to light music, thanks to Delilah (Radio host). Jeffrey
TIP 58 I find that whenever I sit down to study, I get distracted so easily and suddenly I am inspired to do so many other things - except studying. So what I do is I have a piece of blank paper with me when I study, and whenever one of these ideas come to mind I simply jot them down, so that I can do them at a later stage. By doing this I know that I won't forget to do it - after my exams, so I can carry on studying peacefully. Moira
TIP 59 Always, always, always get enough sleep. Once you feel as though you've had a good night's sleep, tiredness won't get in the way of your studies. If you didn't get enough sleep for the day, you'd most likely spend most of your time dozing off in lecture than concentrating and even if you don't doze off, you'll continuously lose interest in the subject and the next thing you know, you can't recall anything that the lecturer just said!
And another thing, in the case that you prefer studying at night, that helps is to wash your face with cold water or shower (wait around 30 minutes after showering to prevent you from wanting to cozy up in bed and inevitably fall
asleep) and then study. This keeps you awake and your concentration level high. Kate
TIP 60
I find this useful when preparing for essays or answering exam questions. I divide or "chunk" the key parts of the question. I then describe each "chunk". In this way I fully understand what the question wants from me and I don't wander off task. All the preparation has been made and I then just write the answer using 1 paragraph for each chunk.
E.g. "Explain what factors makes a successful student?" There are 4 chunks in this question (or it could be 6?): explain means I must give reasons to show how or why; what factors means I must name examples, e.g. reading skills, motivation, note taking, relaxation etc., makes means I must show when and how improvements have been made and successful student means I must show how do I know improvement has taken place. It works for me. Mike
TIP 61 Hello. I am a student from Singapore. I'd like to share two study tips.
Eating brain food helps to aid better studying. One example is banana. Have a brain food as a snack instead of sweets or chocolates helps, as it contains proteins.
Another study tip that I would like to share is to do mindmaps. Mindmaps- a study tool that is highly recommended by my school teachers and many other scholars. Start by writing a heading in the middle and circle it.
Then branch out into subheadings and note down the points. It is recommended that using color markers/pencils help as color helps you remember better (a science teacher said so).
When you jot down the points, use abbreviations and pictures to replace the words. This aids in remembering the facts a lot better!
I use a mindmap for all my revisions and just need to review the important points instead of perusing through those wordy texbooks. Oh, please do your notes first as you will be able to identify the main points. I hope these tips do help students as it did for many others. Eloise
TIP 62 An excellent study tip for those who like to study with music:
Study to music that you don't know the lyrics to, or to completely instrumental music. It stops you singing along (unintentionally too) to every song and allows you to focus completely on the task at hand.
Whether you're into classical music or (like me) not, Satie is pretty excellent to study to. Sagal
TIP 63
In a psychology class I took, we learned that if study conditions are similar to testing conditions, you will probably do better on the test because you are more able to recall the information. So I decided that I would take my notes to the classroom early (the same classroom I would be taking the test in) and study in that room for about 10 or 15 minutes every day. I definitely noticed an improvement in my test grades! This is why it is best not to listen to music while you try to memorize- you wont be listening to music when you take the test. If you can't study in the room, simply study in a quiet room with no outside distractions, sitting in a chair pulled up to a desk (you will probably be taking the test with these conditions). It really does work! Donna
TIP 64 1. The benefit of music that I have found is that drowns out distractions in the background (traffic, phone ringing, door slamming, etc). If there is music on that I can enjoy, it keeps me at my study location and able to stay somewhat attentive. This works for me because I am easily distracted.
2. When doing physics: I write down every complicated formula that I come across. As I progress further into the course I get a better understanding of the root formulas and what is going on. When this great revelation hits, the more I know means the less I have to remember, and so the complicated formulas are removed from my notes, leaving the simple root formulas. Chris
TIP 65
I'm not sure if this was already mentioned or not. I like to use a tape recorder to tape the professor's lecture (if permitted). I can then listen to the lecture until I almost know it by heart. You get word for word content, importance, and the areas that you should most study. I am assuming that you have a portable player and ear plugs and that you can walk around all day and night listening over and over again.
The other way I use my tape recorder is to record my reading aloud of my text. This has four benefits - I see it, read it, say it, and hear it. I then walk around listening over and over until I know it. What is interesting and a bonus is when you come across a question that you think you don't know so you make a guess and often will get it right. All that listening is in there somewhere. Alan
TIP 66
Honestly, for me, in my history class, my teacher suggested that, when learning about battles, important events in history, and other things like that, to make it into a story. hiSTORY. Making it into a story helps you better understand the material. Also, when we leaned about the 2nd Continental Congress, our assignment was to write a CHILDREN'S book on it. Using a simple vocabulary can always help you. And making hiSTORY a STORY will help you remember better. And in my French, actually saying the questions and the responses will help you remember them better.
Emily (8th Grade)
TIP 67
The absolutely worst way to study is by CRAMMING! Cramming is not effective what so ever. Cramming just stores information in your short term memory for a SHORT period of time. So the best method to studying is as follows:
1. Each day after your class go over your notes just for mere 20 minutes. Just reading is going to be effective. Read notes out loud and re-write them either by hand or on the computer. Make sure you understand what you are reading since this will help store this in your long term memory.
2. On the night before the test you should be ready for the test since you have been studying prior to the test each day. This helps to cut down the cramming. Also, keep in mind cramming results in deprivation of sleep which results in not being able to function at optimal levels during the test the next day. So, the night before the test make up a practice quiz or get a friend to quiz you. This will allow you to determine what areas you need to focus on. Also, keep in mind if you're still having trouble remembering a concept come back to it after 30 minutes or so. Mandeep
TIP 68 I'm a gifted student, but I'm not so great in math. However, I've found an easy way to study it, though it really only works if you're in high school. Please keep in mind that I'm from Canada, so it might be different for people living in other countries. It can be applied to other subjects, too.
- First of all, know what you will be going over. Most of my teachers tell us what we're going to learn in the chapter that we're going to be covering.
- Read over all of what your class will be doing. You don't have to do in-depth studying, though you can if you want. I find that this helps me learn the subject better, be it math, science, socials or anything. This way, you will be able to retain information given to you in class when you get to it.
- If the subject is math, and you know the pages that you will have to complete, do it ahead of time - but only if you get what you're supposed to do. Otherwise, you might not learn how to do it properly. If you don't get what to do, just wait for the class and ask for help if you need it after the teacher has explained it.
- if you come across something that you sometimes get, but sometimes don't, do the question on a separate sheet of paper. Print fairly large so you can see where you're making the mistake, then correct it. Repeat it a few times with questions you've made up on your own and get a friend - one who knows how to do the material really well - to check it over for you.
- If the subject is something else, write down questions on a lined sheet of paper. Answer them in as great detail as you can without looking in the textbook. Then, focus on learning what you weren't able to answer properly. After, quiz yourself again on everything.
I've found this works really well for me, though it might not work the best for you. Almost all of my teachers give handouts on what we're going to be learning in a chapter before we start it, so I find it easy to study what I don't know. However, if you know something really well already (say you wrote an essay on it in a certain grade or something and you still remember everything on the topic), then don't study it so much. Read over it once or twice every now and then, but don't spend a lot of time on it unless you forget things really easily. Save the time to do something you want to do. Ashley
TIP 69 Have you ever heard of the phrase "sleep on it"? When you sleep, your subconscious pieces things together from your day, and tries to make sense of them all. I recommend that if you are confronted with something that just will not seem to sink in... try to cover as much material as you can, sleep on it (8 hours min.) and even repeat the next day if necessary. You should find that after a good night's sleep, the things you learned from the day before make more sense, even if you still don't completely understand them. This is why studying consistently and ahead of time works better for a test than staying up all night and cramming right before you take it. For knowledge to sink into your brain, you need to sleep on it. I find that the stress of making time to study ahead of exams makes far less of an impact on my life than going into panic mode the night before and most likely failing or doing bad on the exam and having to deal with that. Two hours per day for 7 days is better (and easier) than an all day all night study session right before the exam. Mitchell
TIP 70 When studying languages.. remember to pronounce each word CORRECTLY. Not only will this help you when reciting for exams, but when it comes to spelling, you will improve tremendously with accent placement etc. Adanma
TIP 71 If your friend does not understand something, TEACH IT TO HIM OR HER. By teaching it, you're reasserting what you know in your own head, and also if your friend stays up to date with the current topic in a subject, he or she may be able to help you when YOU have troubles next.
If you are studying a language (I learn Japanese), then why not try finding some of that country's music online? There are free radio online streaming sites around the place if you look for them, and although you won't understand all the words in a song, you will actually remember 'EXAMPLE SENTENCES' for vocabulary or especially grammar points. For example, in Japanese I love and sing along with (found the lyrics online too) 'Houki boshi', which has what I used to think was some very difficult and confusing grammar points. Now I know how to use those grammar points with similar verbs, and my pronunciation is 'perfect'.
Also, if you are studying a language, why not learn a little slang by watching anime or movies in other languages? It will not only help boost your confidence by knowing more about the culture and being able to understand some useful little words that allow you to express yourself in more depth, but it will DEFINITELY improve your pronunciation! *Don't watch too much, though! It CAN GET addictive!!!* It also works for the 'example sentences' tip above.
Try getting two different text books (school-prescribed, or from a local library) on each subject. For that subject, type a 'summary list' from EACH BOOK SEPARATELY, *only* writing things you cannot know OFF BY HEART (i.e.. more than just recognition), then do the same with your class notes. When you have the three different summary lists, ADD THEM TOGETHER. Delete repeats, and put them all in the same word document. Then, save the file twice under two names. One of the files you leave whole for future reference if you want to look at them all, and one you will be periodically reviewing and deleting things you know by heart. Big help!
Ask your teachers for any previous examination papers - they will not only show you the STYLE of questions, but they will show you areas which the moderators FOCUS ON for marks! For example, they will show you to focus on stoichiometry, rather than on atomic theory, in chemistry. That means there are more marks for one topic than another, so FOCUS ON THAT ONE to get more marks! Easy! Saves you trying to do the impossible and memorize every single thing for each subject and topic. Also, LOOK UP THE ANSWERS and **HOW** the moderators have written them. SAVE TIME IN EXAMS BY WRITING SHORTER WORDS IN FULL. What I mean by this, is NOT writing 'avg' instead of 'average', because that will lose you marks. I mean writing 'mean' instead of 'average', and so forth. This saves so much time, and it is best to get into the habit of writing these shorter words when doing practise exams, so that you remember them during the real ones. Amy from Australia
TIP 72 When I study, I usually read it out loud at least 3 times, then, without looking at it, write it out 3 times, and check if I'm right. It helps because while you're writing it out, you're thinking about it and trying to remember it. Sharon
TIP 73 Having a clear goal of what occupation you strive to have in the future, and smothering yourself with it when you cannot concentrate for that extra kick of motivation. For example, I want to get into medical school while I am studying for undergraduate exams. I bought a lab coat that physicians wear and hang it nearby so that I can look at it when I feel distracted to reassure myself that one day... I will use that coat to attend my happy days at work if I concentrate deeply on my exam material right now. Also, I printed off a page of the requirements for medical school (including the number of people that get accepted compared to the number of people that apply) and pinned it above my study desk so I can glance at it and remember that I need to maintain my GPA to get there. You get the idea....
Basically just have your goal and create an environment that reminds you of it and all its glory.
This is something that has really helped me through my stress breakdowns because it reminds me of all the things I need/can have through hard work and dedication.
Last thing.. You can pin up some motivational uplifting quotes related to life nearby your regular study area so that you can look at them on occasion when you feel it is getting more and more difficult to concentrate. Stacey
TIP 2 "For girls, when you study, have a scent in the room, preferably a perfume or something. Then when you take the test, wear that perfume. It can help you remember what you study because you relate the scent to the information. Of course you have to use a scent that you wouldn't normally smell." Clarise
TIP 3 "Listen to soothing, but invigorating music. I usually listen to Beethoven while I do mindless homework like math, French, or science assignments. It gets your brain pumping and flowing, and keeps you alert and awake." Jason
TIP 4 "While studying, keep peppermint in your mouth... it clears your nasal passage for fresh air. More fresh air means more oxygen to the brain. Trust me, this really helps with memorizing and studying for school." Dennis
TIP 5 "When having a test or quiz on your notes (which happens quite frequently), take your notebook to your computer, and type all of your notes pertaining to that chapter in that particular section of your notebook. By typing the notes you need to know for your test, a lot of the information is displayed from your short-term memory to your long-term memory. After typing your notes out, look them over and study in-depth... This always helps." Dennis
TIP 6 "Definitely listen in class, you won't have to study so hard if you actually know some of the information beforehand (from class)." Dennis
TIP 7 "Be careful about wearing too much perfume or sitting near someone who does. The chemicals in some perfumes may affect your power to concentrate and remember information." Shay
TIP 8 "Depending on the type of class, taking notes on a PowerBook computer has helped me immensely.
•It makes my notes readable & printable.
•My notes are saved in a retrievable place for the class and to use as citations for papers in other classes-(make sure you date your notes for this purpose).
•Professors and other students think you are smarter and more attuned to learning, just because you have a PowerBook in front of you, and will pay more attention to your questions. Other students will want to share their notes because they can read yours.
•The process of recording lecture notes onto a word processing document makes you consciously categorize topics as you type. Example: putting terms in bold type, putting concepts in italic, putting key ideas in underlined form, and preceding subtopics with a bullet •. This process organizes the ideas in your mind as you are doing it. The PowerBook is not helpful in Math classes, nor is it helpful in classes involving a lot of discussion." Keith
TIP 9 "Read over the notes a couple of times and then summarize it in your own words. Writing it down might help store it into the long-term memory." Veronica
TIP 10
"I'm recently starting year 12, I'm trying to get organized, I found your Tips very helpful. Though there are many other useful techniques, one of the best is teaching others what you have learned. I found when I helped others with questions I would gain a better knowledge of what I learned. I have also learned from my experience from year 11, that just studying a couple days before is not really studying but cramming. Therefore to gain better marks you have to study months before. Using flow charts, making notes simples, that's what summaries are supposed to be. My friend also gave me a study hint, though yet to be proven, she said the color yellow helps you remember things better, she always uses yellow paper for studying." Anna
TIP 11
"I have a TIP for you. Students should try to study as much as they can during daytime hours. When I study, I usually try to study during daytime, From my personal experience, study during the day time is much better than study during night time. I remember things better during daytime and I tend to not to slack off as much during daytime. Sometimes, there are less distraction for me during the daytime and I found myself more awake, even if I feel sleepy, take a 20~30 minute nap to recharge your energy. You should only study everything at night only if it's absolutely necessary, (i.e., due to work, after school activities,...etc.) besides, study as much as possible would usually reduce yourself from getting stress out at night time. Best of all, it would prevent you from staying up all night!" Paul
TIP 12 "I am currently half way through my year 12, but I have talked to many students who have finished year twelve as well as teachers for study hints. The things that I have already put into practice, and have gotten very good results from is to write out my own study guide from the syllabus (this makes you understand the concepts you are summarizing, as well as putting the information into your long-term memory.) I have also found doing as many past papers with a time restriction extremely helpful, as many exams have similar types of questions to previous years, and after doing the questions a few times, you get so used to them, that the hard questions seem basic, because you are used to the style of question." Kristina from Australia
TIP 13 "I have found through personal experience that by separating all of my different classes from one another by using different notebooks for each (different colors works good for me), I am not only more organized but more likely not to wander away from that subject when studying. A friend told me it's my subconscious. That I associate the notebook with that class and it helps me to concentrate on it alone. No matter what the reason is, it helped me boost my grades tremendously and learn a whole lot more then I had been before." Meranda
TIP 14 "Keycards are great study aids. You summarize your notes for the subject by each topic then you summarize the summary so that you have the key ideas and points for each topic. These you write down on cards under each topic heading. Put them in a small ringbinder and carry them with you. Then you can flip through them while waiting in a queue or waiting at your desk for a class to start. These quick flip-throughs of all the major points keep facts alive in your memory ready for recall in the exam." Jackie
TIP 15 "This is especially for my geography class because there is a lot of writing involved!
I've found that writing notes in shorthand (e.g. people=ppl) and going home that night while it is still fresh in the memory and typing it out longhand on the computer helps to memorize or keep the info in the brain because for people that constantly look up at the screen are rereading what they have typed. I don't know if this is a good study method but it works for me!" Diane
TIP 16 "Always have plenty of lined paper around. Lines help you to write your notes properly and neatly. I know it - it helps me!" Valerie, a student from Singapore.
TIP 17
"A good study TIP that I have found works quite well is to read the material to be covered in a lecture beforehand, and as you are reading create an outline, leaving plenty of space. Take this outline to the lecture and add to it new information the teacher gives, highlight on it things that you already have listed that are things she stresses as important. I type my outlines and type in blank lines using the underscore key so that they are easier to add to and because it being typed makes it easier to tell the difference between the information that came from the textbook and the information that came from the teacher. I also list questions that I have at the bottom of my outline, with lines to write the answers on. If the teacher gives the answer during the lecture then I write it in the space I have provided, the questions that she does not answer I ask for answers to." Roxanne
TIP 18 Hello,
"I'm a college student. The Cornell note taking system works best for me. It is easier to understand the notes on the Cornell paper. The web site about the Cornell System is http://www.sanborn.k12.nh.us." Alexis (another link to the Cornell System for note taking)
TIP 19 "Don't play sport or tire yourself before doing anything that requires thinking, memory etc. such as a test, or study period. Make sure you are fully rested and relaxed. I made the mistake, and took me three exams to figure it out." Fubu
TIP 20
"The HSC is very stressing as everyone keeps on reminding you. While you are in year 12 many people will be telling you what you should and should not be doing. The important thing is to get YOUR OWN priorities straight. We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have already done. Only you know what you are capable of, so make sure your goals are set accordingly, and not to what others believe." John T., scholar and entrepreneur.
TIP 21
"This isn't an effective way to study but a method that my dad taught me, and it may be of use to you. You may already know it. Anyway, on the first day, you study what you learned in class. Then you read and study about 2 pages of your text book ahead, but just briefly, so you have the preview of what it is about. The next day in class, the teacher will teach the method, and you already know the basis of it, so it all clicks and maybe you learn a little more. When you get home, you don't really need to study that much. I don't know if you can get it by the way I'm explaining it. You sort of learned it the night before, and study during the actual lesson, so you're always a step ahead. Do you get it? I hope you understand what I've written. Have a good day." Adriana.
TIP 22
"Taking notes on whatever I'm studying and going over them really helps me out when studying. The task of taking notes and writing down the material is what helps me, and reviewing those notes adds to the repetition that's going on, which helps even more. Also, before studying try to get or already have enough sleep, because sleepiness can really get you out of studying; it always does for me." Evan Agustin
TIP 23 "When summarizing a chapter of a subject, I type the information out in question format (e.g. instead of simply typing "alveoli are thin in shape which results in fast diffusion of substances..." I type "Discuss the structure of alveoli. How does their structure aid them in their primary role?"), then I type in the answer and, when the chapter summary is completed, print a copy. A family member or friend then asks me the questions and I give the answer. That way I'm not just making a summary once, but completing the equivalent whenever I can nag anyone into helping me. It also prepares me for exams in which they generally expect to you use your knowledge and apply it to answer questions." Alexis, Australia
TIP 24 "An approach to reading that works best for me is both annotating and the Cornell Method. In annotating I can mark and highlight important information, key ideas, unknown words, and interesting facts while reading. Using the Cornell Method, I can then organize the marked text into a better, arranged, understandable form. These methods both save me time and keep me actively involved." C.R. S.J. CA
TIP 25
"My TIP is to increase vocabulary so concentration is not interrupted while studying, or reading. Words that are difficult to understand will become more friendly if I practice using them." Linda
TIP 26 "Taking notes during class is very important, and reviewing them when you get home...and it is not just the way you study but it is in the attitude you display...as long as you're a determined and a hard working student, getting good grades wouldn't be difficult for you at all." Lea
TIP 27 "A very helpful studying TIP is to rewrite your notes the same day you wrote them, if its possible right after class. If you do not rewrite them right away, maybe in the future you will not understand what you wrote. Writing your notes a second time is also a way to understand the class lecture better. I have been using this TIP for a long time, and it has helped me to memorize information and organize my work." Angelina
TIP 28
"For my personal TIP, I would suggest that students like me would make our own notes for every class discussion. Because if we only rely on our book, there could be some points that are hard to understand. Moreover, if we only listen to our professors, there is always a tendency to forget, knowing that we have lots of things in our mind, and that we can't remember every single detail which could be very important. One more thing, if ever we borrow our classmates' notes, for example if we missed a class, we are not sure that their notes are complete or that their notes are all correct. It is possible for them to miss out important details or misunderstood some explanations. Hence, we should attend classes regularly because it's going to be our loss to miss a class and not others." Diana
TIP 29 "My studying method that works for me is to review my notes everyday and reread the topic chapter to refresh my memory. Doing this everyday helped me prepared for my test by not cramming the night before exam." Loreto
TIP 30 "My own personal study tip would be to listen to easy music but on a lower volume. This has helped me study better because I’m not distracted by the words in a song and I don’t like studying in a extremely quiet place so the music helps both problems. Sometimes when I keep feeling tired while studying, I would chew gum or have a light snack with me (such as crackers) so I’m always chewing on something. It always makes me feel more awake and I can study better." Cheryl
TIP 31 "Before I started to do my study, I make sure that I am not sleepy, hungry, thirsty, and don't need to use the bathroom. If I feel all those necessities before I study, I take care of it first. This way, there will be no unnecessary interruption while I'm doing my work." Edita
TIP 32 "My own study TIP that has always worked for me is to lock my self in the room and focus. With the only sound of me reading and no one bothering me, I can understand the reading a lot better. If I start thinking about something else I get up and eat something then I'll come back to it." Ricardo
TIP 33 My study TIP is simple. I follow the survey technique in which I scan through the chapters first, then read and summarize. I usually find a place where it is quiet (like the library, backyard or any corners of my house) and comfortable. I also make sure that I put-up a sign that reads "OUT TO LUNCH, COME BACK LATER!" Rose
TIP 34 "A strategy that I employ for studying is to try refer to my course materials whenever I find my mind going over concepts taught in my courses. I always have my class materials available so that I can pull them out in the event that I find myself thinking of them. I believe that my mind keeps working on things even when I am not consciously thinking about them. Whenever I open my class materials when I find my mind drifting onto the topic, I find that the concepts that were difficult for me previously are now very easy to understand. I'll then go on and do some of the assignments for practice so I don't forget. It's sub-conscious studying!" Paul
TIP 35 "The study TIP I would like to recommend is to deal with anything that is getting in the way of your success. Say for example, you're trying to study but you keep thinking of something else. Then do what you have to do to deal with it and then get to studying with a cleared mind." Claudia
TIP 36 I take three simple steps in order to succeed in studying.
1. Play some relaxing music (whatever music you enjoy listening to) before studying to clear my mind of everything.
2. Concentrate on what I'm studying when I begin to study, and do that throughout the process of studying.
3. Review it over orally to see if I actually remember what I studied, to see if I'm ready for that particular test.
Also, if the test is on Wednesday morning, I would study the night before, a few hours before I sleep. Since it would be fresh in my mind. Then an hour before the test, I will study for a second time just to make sure I'm completely ready. I've been doing this type of studying all my life, and it hasn't failed me. If this helps you, more power to you. If not, well hey everyone has their own methods of studying. Whatever works for you. Jeffrey
TIP 37 Before studying, I advise other students to eat a light snack, nothing heavy or else you'll be falling asleep from being too full. Also, it's very important to get rid of internal distractions (something that is bugging your head, i.e. making a phone call, chores, picking up a few things at the store)...do those things right away so that you'll be concentrating on your studies. Angelita
TIP 38 My own personal study TIP that really helps me out mostly is I find a quiet place most likely in my room, lock the door so there would be no distractions and start playing soft relaxing music such as Kenny G. or slow jams. I know for a majority of people music is the biggest distraction, but I am totally opposite. Music helps me relax and concentrate. No name given.
TIP 39
Before studying it is always helpful to me if I write at least a full page about whatever comes to mind. I write about my day, things that are bothering me, things that inspire me, what I love/hate, etc. It's basically a journal entry to release any thoughts that I need to get off my shoulders before studying, so that when I do study those thoughts don't cloud my mind while I try to learn something new. It's very helpful after a stressful day. After I've written down what I have to say, I tear it up, throw it away, and study with a clear mind. Kristen
TIP 40 Part of good study habit is making a schedule, which will help you organize your time and your thoughts. Having a schedule indicates your personal obligations, setting priorities, and especially it will help you for studying. It is organization that helps with your thoughts be more active for any studies you have to do. So remember write your obligations on your schedule. No name given
TIP 41 My study TIP is to make your own questions while reading and with those same questions test yourself, with this you will find out how well you are doing or if you are ready for the test. No name given.
TIP 42
My own personal TIP is to go into your room lock yourself in there and turn on a little music and start studying. A little music won't hurt. Actually it makes me focus more on what I'm actually studying. I don't know why but it works for me. Most people would get distracted but I recommend that. You should try it sometime. Linda
TIP 43 I would like to inform students that time management is one of the key to succeeding in College. Most important is the technique of the way to study efficiently and productively. In my case, The Cornell system-note taking has helped a lot in the past as well in the future. The Cornell notes consist of three steps. During high school I still remember the way it works. Step 1) Preparing the paper; left column is the questions and right column will be answers just like regular note taking except the system works better than other techniques. 2) During the lecture--record the notes in paragraph form. Make sure to get the general ideas and abbreviating can save you time. 3) After the lecture, reread notes and jot down the main ideas or key words. This way you can be organized to when it comes to reviewing your notes when exams come. Marc.
TIP 44
“I understand and remember more when I listen to someone else so for me it is easier to work or study with a “study buddy” Virginia
TIP 45 Study TIP: I know people say 'listen to a little music while studying, is 'good', but this is not good for muso's and anyone who has a fast ear to a tune - we get distracted, even if we don't realize that it is happening... For years I listened to music while studying, and my results have improved out of sight since I 'turned my stereo off' as such. It's hard to give up the music at first, but it gets easier, and it is worth it. Alison
TIP 46
My study TIP is that when you are studying and maybe your mind starts to wander try to look away from your paper, textbook or whatever it is you are studying, and look somewhere blank like the walls or floor and go cross-eyed - this help to cross your left and right brain over! It's also helps a lot in tests, try it! Kate
TIP 47 Drink plenty of water, it keeps the brain hydrated. A hydrated brain can remember more than a dehydrated brain.
Of course do not go silly or else you will be spending all your time in the toilet! Daryl
TIP 48
This is a study TIP for you to help remember important quotes.
Record the quote on your mobile phone or on a tape and whenever you have spare time you can listen to it as often as you can. Soon you will be able to perfectly recite the lines. If it sounds too boring you can always sing it and listen to it as a song. It might sound daggy but trust me it helps! Michelle K
TIP 49 I am an Indian student and I am in the tenth standard now. My TIP is "When you sit down to study never think about anything else other than your book. Leave the world outside and come into your book." Jassi
TIP 50
My study TIP is that you should write brief notes or keywords onto squares of colored paper, and then look at them regularly. Having the answers on the back helps you to learn the answers as well. Use different colored vivids and bright highlighters to make it interesting. Try it! It totally works! Bruce
TIP 51 When you're doing math homework, and not getting the right answer for a problem. Or when you're doing a math problem on a test and not getting a right answer, take out a blank sheet of paper (preferably with no lines) and solve the math problem in as many steps as possible. Make your handwriting big, so one problem covers the whole sheet of paper. when you write it really big like this, you will be able to see where you were making the mistake, or will make fewer mistakes. It has worked for me many times while doing homework. Mehreen
TIP 52
When I study I like to recreate my notes. Colors and shapes help me to remember. Circling things or highlighting works great. I associate the color or shape with the information and I tend to remember it better (and longer). Danielle
TIP 53 Try to study in the morning because at that time, your mind is fresh and you can do more study than you can do it during night. I works for me. Harinder
TIP 54
Read – How to Read text Effectively
This method of absorbing material in three passes is useful for many students. It is a way of tackling each section of the text in a specific and analytical way, with ways to test knowledge and assist a student in retaining new knowledge.
The First Pass: “Skim” the text
Have your notebook, highlighter, pen and pencil handy for notes. It is probably best to have a separate notebook for each subject.
First, skim over the text you plan to read in this study session. As you skim the text, write down, in your notebook, the main headings or subheadings of each section. Leave about a half page of blank space under each note you make. Headings and subheadings, or other important text, is often made noticeable through use of bold, underlined or italicized text. Try to notice the main ideas in this first pass through the text.
Second Pass: Focused Reading
This time, read more intently. Go back to the start of the text. As you read the text under each heading or subheading, make notes of the main ideas. Try to list the main idea at the top, then list the more detailed points in the text that support the main idea. Bullet lists of these supporting points will usually work well.
Don’t forget to pay attention to pictures, bar graphs, tables or other illustrative methods used to support the author’s point(s).
Third Pass: Testing your reading
On a separate piece of paper, make a list of the questions at the end of each section which the textbook authors have written for you to test your knowledge. Go back to the start of each section, and just read through each section, one at a time. See if you are now able to answer the questions for each section after you read it all the way through. Don’t try to do this with more than one section at a time, especially with very difficult text.
If the text does not provide you with questions, you can formulate your own using the wording in the headings and subheadings. You can see if you are able to define what each heading is talking about after you have completed your third pass.
Explaining what you have learned to someone else helps you remember it.
One good way to review is to use flashcards. You can create your own to act as a study guide on simple, ruled index cards. You already have the perfect set of information to use on flash cards from your notes from the text. Your bulleted lists and your main headings can be used to create questions or “fill-in-the-blank” notes or definitions of relevant vocabulary terms, with the answers written on one side and the question on the other. You can also use the questions in the textbook as flashcards, with the answers written on the back. Michelle, Australia
TIP 55
I'm the sort of student who gets easily distracted and it's a nasty habit. When that happens, I remember that what I'm doing is for my own sake. Motivate yourself. If your mind wanders constantly, just set a short time limit, like half an hour - then take a ten minute break (walk around your garden or something, relaxing in the living room is a bad idea since there's the television and everything) and get back to studying. It's better than feeling bored through one hour and not absorbing any material at all. It works for me. See if it works for you. Kuki
TIP 56
At night, I place something I normally wouldn't in the middle of my floor, and while I'm doing that, I think to myself that the reason I put that down is to remember to do my school work in the next morning or day. The next day I see it and remember why I put it there. (This reason can also be to help you remember to do something else the next day). Riley
TIP 57
I am a long time studier. I am a PC Analyst for a very Large Corporation and am climbing my way up the "corporate ladder". I came upon this web site while I was researching for, "How many hours should one study?" I found all of these tips to be very helpful and some what true. I know that everyone doesn't study the same and what's best for one might not be good for another. I find that mixing and applying various types of formulas helps me. Example: first, I Read the chapter. As I read the chapter, I highlight important words, sentences, or paragraphs that refer to my study. Then I re-read the page, step-by-step (in case I miss anything the first time) and write down in a notebook, the important parts I need (usually the highlighted area). Then, when I am done with the chapter, I grab a stack of index cards and start writing questions and the answers (on the back) that pertain to that question. It may sound like a long vigorous study technique but believe me, it works. This lets me know that I have read, re-read, extracted important information, questioned certain parts (Googled) that I don't understand, and finally reviewed the questions on index. And for motivation, I listen to light music, thanks to Delilah (Radio host). Jeffrey
TIP 58 I find that whenever I sit down to study, I get distracted so easily and suddenly I am inspired to do so many other things - except studying. So what I do is I have a piece of blank paper with me when I study, and whenever one of these ideas come to mind I simply jot them down, so that I can do them at a later stage. By doing this I know that I won't forget to do it - after my exams, so I can carry on studying peacefully. Moira
TIP 59 Always, always, always get enough sleep. Once you feel as though you've had a good night's sleep, tiredness won't get in the way of your studies. If you didn't get enough sleep for the day, you'd most likely spend most of your time dozing off in lecture than concentrating and even if you don't doze off, you'll continuously lose interest in the subject and the next thing you know, you can't recall anything that the lecturer just said!
And another thing, in the case that you prefer studying at night, that helps is to wash your face with cold water or shower (wait around 30 minutes after showering to prevent you from wanting to cozy up in bed and inevitably fall
asleep) and then study. This keeps you awake and your concentration level high. Kate
TIP 60
I find this useful when preparing for essays or answering exam questions. I divide or "chunk" the key parts of the question. I then describe each "chunk". In this way I fully understand what the question wants from me and I don't wander off task. All the preparation has been made and I then just write the answer using 1 paragraph for each chunk.
E.g. "Explain what factors makes a successful student?" There are 4 chunks in this question (or it could be 6?): explain means I must give reasons to show how or why; what factors means I must name examples, e.g. reading skills, motivation, note taking, relaxation etc., makes means I must show when and how improvements have been made and successful student means I must show how do I know improvement has taken place. It works for me. Mike
TIP 61 Hello. I am a student from Singapore. I'd like to share two study tips.
Eating brain food helps to aid better studying. One example is banana. Have a brain food as a snack instead of sweets or chocolates helps, as it contains proteins.
Another study tip that I would like to share is to do mindmaps. Mindmaps- a study tool that is highly recommended by my school teachers and many other scholars. Start by writing a heading in the middle and circle it.
Then branch out into subheadings and note down the points. It is recommended that using color markers/pencils help as color helps you remember better (a science teacher said so).
When you jot down the points, use abbreviations and pictures to replace the words. This aids in remembering the facts a lot better!
I use a mindmap for all my revisions and just need to review the important points instead of perusing through those wordy texbooks. Oh, please do your notes first as you will be able to identify the main points. I hope these tips do help students as it did for many others. Eloise
TIP 62 An excellent study tip for those who like to study with music:
Study to music that you don't know the lyrics to, or to completely instrumental music. It stops you singing along (unintentionally too) to every song and allows you to focus completely on the task at hand.
Whether you're into classical music or (like me) not, Satie is pretty excellent to study to. Sagal
TIP 63
In a psychology class I took, we learned that if study conditions are similar to testing conditions, you will probably do better on the test because you are more able to recall the information. So I decided that I would take my notes to the classroom early (the same classroom I would be taking the test in) and study in that room for about 10 or 15 minutes every day. I definitely noticed an improvement in my test grades! This is why it is best not to listen to music while you try to memorize- you wont be listening to music when you take the test. If you can't study in the room, simply study in a quiet room with no outside distractions, sitting in a chair pulled up to a desk (you will probably be taking the test with these conditions). It really does work! Donna
TIP 64 1. The benefit of music that I have found is that drowns out distractions in the background (traffic, phone ringing, door slamming, etc). If there is music on that I can enjoy, it keeps me at my study location and able to stay somewhat attentive. This works for me because I am easily distracted.
2. When doing physics: I write down every complicated formula that I come across. As I progress further into the course I get a better understanding of the root formulas and what is going on. When this great revelation hits, the more I know means the less I have to remember, and so the complicated formulas are removed from my notes, leaving the simple root formulas. Chris
TIP 65
I'm not sure if this was already mentioned or not. I like to use a tape recorder to tape the professor's lecture (if permitted). I can then listen to the lecture until I almost know it by heart. You get word for word content, importance, and the areas that you should most study. I am assuming that you have a portable player and ear plugs and that you can walk around all day and night listening over and over again.
The other way I use my tape recorder is to record my reading aloud of my text. This has four benefits - I see it, read it, say it, and hear it. I then walk around listening over and over until I know it. What is interesting and a bonus is when you come across a question that you think you don't know so you make a guess and often will get it right. All that listening is in there somewhere. Alan
TIP 66
Honestly, for me, in my history class, my teacher suggested that, when learning about battles, important events in history, and other things like that, to make it into a story. hiSTORY. Making it into a story helps you better understand the material. Also, when we leaned about the 2nd Continental Congress, our assignment was to write a CHILDREN'S book on it. Using a simple vocabulary can always help you. And making hiSTORY a STORY will help you remember better. And in my French, actually saying the questions and the responses will help you remember them better.
Emily (8th Grade)
TIP 67
The absolutely worst way to study is by CRAMMING! Cramming is not effective what so ever. Cramming just stores information in your short term memory for a SHORT period of time. So the best method to studying is as follows:
1. Each day after your class go over your notes just for mere 20 minutes. Just reading is going to be effective. Read notes out loud and re-write them either by hand or on the computer. Make sure you understand what you are reading since this will help store this in your long term memory.
2. On the night before the test you should be ready for the test since you have been studying prior to the test each day. This helps to cut down the cramming. Also, keep in mind cramming results in deprivation of sleep which results in not being able to function at optimal levels during the test the next day. So, the night before the test make up a practice quiz or get a friend to quiz you. This will allow you to determine what areas you need to focus on. Also, keep in mind if you're still having trouble remembering a concept come back to it after 30 minutes or so. Mandeep
TIP 68 I'm a gifted student, but I'm not so great in math. However, I've found an easy way to study it, though it really only works if you're in high school. Please keep in mind that I'm from Canada, so it might be different for people living in other countries. It can be applied to other subjects, too.
- First of all, know what you will be going over. Most of my teachers tell us what we're going to learn in the chapter that we're going to be covering.
- Read over all of what your class will be doing. You don't have to do in-depth studying, though you can if you want. I find that this helps me learn the subject better, be it math, science, socials or anything. This way, you will be able to retain information given to you in class when you get to it.
- If the subject is math, and you know the pages that you will have to complete, do it ahead of time - but only if you get what you're supposed to do. Otherwise, you might not learn how to do it properly. If you don't get what to do, just wait for the class and ask for help if you need it after the teacher has explained it.
- if you come across something that you sometimes get, but sometimes don't, do the question on a separate sheet of paper. Print fairly large so you can see where you're making the mistake, then correct it. Repeat it a few times with questions you've made up on your own and get a friend - one who knows how to do the material really well - to check it over for you.
- If the subject is something else, write down questions on a lined sheet of paper. Answer them in as great detail as you can without looking in the textbook. Then, focus on learning what you weren't able to answer properly. After, quiz yourself again on everything.
I've found this works really well for me, though it might not work the best for you. Almost all of my teachers give handouts on what we're going to be learning in a chapter before we start it, so I find it easy to study what I don't know. However, if you know something really well already (say you wrote an essay on it in a certain grade or something and you still remember everything on the topic), then don't study it so much. Read over it once or twice every now and then, but don't spend a lot of time on it unless you forget things really easily. Save the time to do something you want to do. Ashley
TIP 69 Have you ever heard of the phrase "sleep on it"? When you sleep, your subconscious pieces things together from your day, and tries to make sense of them all. I recommend that if you are confronted with something that just will not seem to sink in... try to cover as much material as you can, sleep on it (8 hours min.) and even repeat the next day if necessary. You should find that after a good night's sleep, the things you learned from the day before make more sense, even if you still don't completely understand them. This is why studying consistently and ahead of time works better for a test than staying up all night and cramming right before you take it. For knowledge to sink into your brain, you need to sleep on it. I find that the stress of making time to study ahead of exams makes far less of an impact on my life than going into panic mode the night before and most likely failing or doing bad on the exam and having to deal with that. Two hours per day for 7 days is better (and easier) than an all day all night study session right before the exam. Mitchell
TIP 70 When studying languages.. remember to pronounce each word CORRECTLY. Not only will this help you when reciting for exams, but when it comes to spelling, you will improve tremendously with accent placement etc. Adanma
TIP 71 If your friend does not understand something, TEACH IT TO HIM OR HER. By teaching it, you're reasserting what you know in your own head, and also if your friend stays up to date with the current topic in a subject, he or she may be able to help you when YOU have troubles next.
If you are studying a language (I learn Japanese), then why not try finding some of that country's music online? There are free radio online streaming sites around the place if you look for them, and although you won't understand all the words in a song, you will actually remember 'EXAMPLE SENTENCES' for vocabulary or especially grammar points. For example, in Japanese I love and sing along with (found the lyrics online too) 'Houki boshi', which has what I used to think was some very difficult and confusing grammar points. Now I know how to use those grammar points with similar verbs, and my pronunciation is 'perfect'.
Also, if you are studying a language, why not learn a little slang by watching anime or movies in other languages? It will not only help boost your confidence by knowing more about the culture and being able to understand some useful little words that allow you to express yourself in more depth, but it will DEFINITELY improve your pronunciation! *Don't watch too much, though! It CAN GET addictive!!!* It also works for the 'example sentences' tip above.
Try getting two different text books (school-prescribed, or from a local library) on each subject. For that subject, type a 'summary list' from EACH BOOK SEPARATELY, *only* writing things you cannot know OFF BY HEART (i.e.. more than just recognition), then do the same with your class notes. When you have the three different summary lists, ADD THEM TOGETHER. Delete repeats, and put them all in the same word document. Then, save the file twice under two names. One of the files you leave whole for future reference if you want to look at them all, and one you will be periodically reviewing and deleting things you know by heart. Big help!
Ask your teachers for any previous examination papers - they will not only show you the STYLE of questions, but they will show you areas which the moderators FOCUS ON for marks! For example, they will show you to focus on stoichiometry, rather than on atomic theory, in chemistry. That means there are more marks for one topic than another, so FOCUS ON THAT ONE to get more marks! Easy! Saves you trying to do the impossible and memorize every single thing for each subject and topic. Also, LOOK UP THE ANSWERS and **HOW** the moderators have written them. SAVE TIME IN EXAMS BY WRITING SHORTER WORDS IN FULL. What I mean by this, is NOT writing 'avg' instead of 'average', because that will lose you marks. I mean writing 'mean' instead of 'average', and so forth. This saves so much time, and it is best to get into the habit of writing these shorter words when doing practise exams, so that you remember them during the real ones. Amy from Australia
TIP 72 When I study, I usually read it out loud at least 3 times, then, without looking at it, write it out 3 times, and check if I'm right. It helps because while you're writing it out, you're thinking about it and trying to remember it. Sharon
TIP 73 Having a clear goal of what occupation you strive to have in the future, and smothering yourself with it when you cannot concentrate for that extra kick of motivation. For example, I want to get into medical school while I am studying for undergraduate exams. I bought a lab coat that physicians wear and hang it nearby so that I can look at it when I feel distracted to reassure myself that one day... I will use that coat to attend my happy days at work if I concentrate deeply on my exam material right now. Also, I printed off a page of the requirements for medical school (including the number of people that get accepted compared to the number of people that apply) and pinned it above my study desk so I can glance at it and remember that I need to maintain my GPA to get there. You get the idea....
Basically just have your goal and create an environment that reminds you of it and all its glory.
This is something that has really helped me through my stress breakdowns because it reminds me of all the things I need/can have through hard work and dedication.
Last thing.. You can pin up some motivational uplifting quotes related to life nearby your regular study area so that you can look at them on occasion when you feel it is getting more and more difficult to concentrate. Stacey
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