- as + adjective + as
- comparative + than
- comparatives & superlatives
- comparisons of quantity - showing no difference
- comparisons of quantity - menu
- comparisons of quantity - showing difference
- form - adjectives
- function
- irregular comparatives & superlatives
- main menu
- not as + adjective + as
- order
- the + superlative

- certainty
- comparative form
- degree - enough,very,too,extremely,almost etc
- form - adverb
- function
- interrogative - why,where,how,when
- main menu
- manner
- menu
- place
- relative adverbs - which,what,whose
- time
- viewpoint, commenting

- defining words - which,whose
- demonstratives - this,that,these,those etc
- difference words - other,another
- distributives - all, both, half
- distributives - each, every, either, neither
- distributives - menu
- exceptions to using the definite article
- menu - function and class
- menu - quantifiers
- possessives
- pre-determiners
- quantifiers 1 - determiners,a few,few,a little,little
- quantifiers 2 - many,much,more,most etc.
- quantifiers 3 - how,much,many,few,lot etc.
- quantifiers 4 - numbers
- quantifiers 5 - some and any
- quantifiers 6 - something,somebody,someone etc.
- quantifiers 7 - enough
- question words - which,what,whose
- the definite article
- the indefinite article
- the,a,an

- changes of time and place reference
- introduction
- reporting hopes and intentions
- reporting orders, requests, suggestions
- reporting questions
- summary of reporting verbs
- tense changes

- as present participle
- gerund or infinitive?
- gerund/infinitive - difference in meaning
- gerunds
- introduction
- verbs followed by gerund

- compound nouns
- countable & uncountable
- menu - nouns
- nationalities
- noun gender
- plurals
- use of capital letters

- form, with or without 'to'
- function
- infinitive after question words
- negative infinitive
- other forms of infinitive
- verbs + infinitive with/without noun
- verbs followed by infinitive
- verbs followed by noun + infinitive
- zero infinitive

- future continuous
- future forms - introduction
- future forms - simple future
- future perfect
- future perfect continuous
- future with 'going to'
- if sentences with conditional perfect continuous
- if sentences with if + past,would,present condtional
- if sentences with if,condtional tenses
- if sentences with if+not,unless,verbs
- if sentences with mixed conditionals
- if sentences with perfect conditional,if + past perfect
- if sentences with wish,would rather,suppose,what if,if only
- if setences with present continuous conditional
- menu / introduction
- other forms of future
- past continuous
- past perfect
- past perfect continuous
- present continuous
- present continuous for future events
- present perfect 1
- present perfect 2
- present perfect 3
- present perfect 4
- present perfect continous
- simple past
- simple present
- simple present for future events
- summary
- type 1 conditional
- zero conditional

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